DAICHI is a monthly webzine produced by Tierra Music. You can get
unique music you've been looking for and never heard before.
2-6-20-105 Futago, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0002 Japan

Home > English > Artists > HIRO
● A Passage to Kumano / HIRO

music by HIRO (2:54 2.7MB)
The pilgrimage routes to Kumano shrines in the central Japan were registered as World Heritage in 2004. HIRO visited there in 2003 and was inspired to write this tune.

"As I walked the path in the mountain, I felt like seeing people in the old days, men and women, young and old, walking along with me. Many people, generations by generations, made pilgrimage in quest of peace and happiness, the truth of life." (HIRO)

● Seaside Bossa Nova / HIRO

music by HIRO (5:56 5.4MB)
"When I walked along the shores near Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania in 2003, a fresh breeze from the Indian Ocean caressed me and swept away all the dust and dirt within me. I wrote this tune expressing the refreshing and happy feeling I had then on a sweet bossa nova. (Well it was as if the breeze said to me, "It's alright. Just the way you are!")" (HIRO)

● Hidamari / HIRO

music by HIRO (3:00 2.8MB)
"Hidamari" is a Japanese word for a "suntrap," or a sunny place. HIRO's piano reminds me of a happy moments of lazy afternoon, spending time seeing the clouds slowly drifting away. (Editor)

● Old Stories / HIRO

music by HIRO (8:31 11.7MB)
"When I visited Persepolis in 2004, I wondered: "What in the world happened here?" "Why did this magnificent and splendid palaces have to perish?" "Is it a human nature to repeat creation and destruction?" I express the deep emptiness and sorrow I felt then on a minor bossa nova." (HIRO)

● Sunset / HIRO

music by HIRO (7:01 6.4MB)
"From the hill near my home, I can see the beautiful scenery of Set Inland Sea. Sometimes I can see the sun go down slowly into the calm water. The color of the sky changes minute by minute. A flock of birds fly away home. Slowly, and slowly does the sun go down and finally hides away into the sea." (HIRO)

● A Passage to Kumano / HIRO

music by HIRO (pf) (2:49 2.6MB)
The pilgrimage routes to Kumano shrines in the central Japan were registered as World Heritage in 2004. HIRO visited there in 2003 and was inspired to write this tune.

"As I walked the path in the mountain, I felt like seeing people in the old days, men and women, young and old, walking along with me. Many people, generations by generations, made pilgrimage in quest of peace and happiness, the truth of life." (HIRO)

DAICHI is a monthly webzine produced by Tierra Music.  You can get unique music you've been looking for and never heard before!
DAICHI is a monthly webzine produced by Tierra Music. You can get
unique music you've been looking for and never heard before!
Issued by Tierra Music:
2-6-20-105 Futago, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0002 Japan
©2004-2007 Tierra Music. All rights reserved.